
Dr. S. Meenakshisundaram


Professor, Centre for Biotechnology

Anna University, Chennai 600025

044-22358365 / 09840348173



Dean, Alagappa College of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai

Chief Coordinator, University Innovation Cluster, Anna University, Chennai

Businees Incharge, Technology Business Incubator

Coordinator, MHRD Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Applications

Co Coordinator, National Hub for Healthcare Instrumentation Development



Prof. S. Meenakshisundaram did his basic professional degree in Chemical engineering, M.Tech in Biotechnology and Ph.D in the Faculty of Technology in Bioprocess engineering. His Ph.D work on Biopesticides Technology development was transferred to M/s TAC Ltd, Chennai and he successfully carried out the scale-up operation. He worked as senior scientist in M/s TAC Ltd for six years and joined as Assistant professor at Centre for Biotechnology Anna University, Chennai in 2002. Since then he was working in the field of genetic manipulation of microorganisms and he was promoted as professor in the department in December 2009.

Based on the research carried out, his group has successfully developed technology for the production of Candida antarctica lipase B in Pichia pastoris and successfully transferred technology to M/s Fermenta Biotech Limited, Mumbai.

In addition the group assisted in the process optimization and purification of filarial diagnostic candidate sxp protein in technology transfer to M/s SPAN diagnostics Ltd, Surat.

Prof S. Meenakshisundaram is having funding from various government agencies such as DBT, UGC, CSIR, DST etc. Prof. S. Meenakshisundaram carried out various Industrial consultancy projects in the field of Biotechnology. As a Business in-charge of Technology Business Incubator he helps new biotech ventures to achieve their goals.